Namespace CustomKnight
- Cinematic
Class that defines a replacable Cinamatic
- CustomKnight
Main Mod Class
- CustomKnightTexture
The Class that represents the state of a
- DumpEvent
- DumpManager
Main class for managing dumping sprites
- GameObjectProxy
The proxy GameObject that is used to create the GO hierarchy that the swaps must be applied to
- GlobalModSettings
Overall CK settings
- GlobalSwapMarker
Component to allow swapper to detect a GameObject as if it is on another path (this is a hack and will only work for global directory)
- KeyBinds
Stores Keybinds
- SaveModSettings
Per save settings
- SkinConfig
Author side configuration for a skin
- SkinManager
Allows Managing the Skins
- SkinSettings
User side skin settings that are updated by the mod
- Skinable
The abstract Class that represents a single Skinable resource in the game. These can be used to add support for custom objects to be skinned as if they were defined within Custom Knight
- Skinable_Hook
The abstract Class that represents a
that uses a Sprite and requires a hook
- Skinable_Multiple
The abstract Class that represents a
that uses a multiple Materials
- Skinable_Single
The abstract Class that represents a
that uses a single Material
- Skinable_Sprite
The abstract Class that represents a
that uses a Sprite
- Skinable_Tk2d
Used for Skinning Tk2d sprites by material
- Skinable_Tk2ds
Class to Skin multiple Tk2ds by their materials
- Skinable_noCache
Skinable that does not cache the material
- SpriteRendererMaterialPropertyBlock
Component that forcibly sets the MaterialPropertyBlock of the SpriteRenderer to a defined value every Update and LateUpdate
- SwapEvent
- SwapManager
Manages all Swaps
- ISelectableSkin
The Interface that a Class must implement to be treated as a skin.
- ISupportsConfig
Interface that must be implemented if the skin supports configs and settings
- ISupportsOverrides
Interface that must be implemented for your skin to have support for overrides(alternate sheets)